Friday, August 15, 2008

The Spaniards Have Major Issues

First, there are the Spanish soccer fans who like throw bananas whenever a Black player has possession of the ball.

Then, the ever charming basketball team-which includes current NBA players- thought it was appropriate to pose while making slanted eyes gestures for an ad, yes I said ad ad in advertisement. They also failed to see what the problem was. 

Finally , the women tennis team, posted pictures taken at dinner making the same gesture. They affectionally labeled the picture- We are Getting Ready for China.  Where ma you find this picture? On the official Spanish Federation tennis Website. Classy. 

THe fact that the two photos were taken for publication on official sites and ads says something about all of Spain. The fact is that no one thought there was anything remotely wrong with this.Not the athletes, not the sport officials, not the photographers, not the coaches, not a soul. All of the hoopla, if you will, is coming from outside of Spain. If I were Spanish , I would be mortified.  It is not appropriate to make slanted eye gestures towards a nation of people, especially one that can kick your ass in 2 seconds flat.

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